All of the work of the church is funded by generous donations, gifts and offerings from its Members and supporters.
If you would like to donate to the work and mission of Eastwood Baptist Church there are several ways to do this.
Bank Transfer
Sort Code: 55-50-28
Account No: 70033323
If you are a UK tax payer please download a GIFT AID DECLARATION FORM which enables us to claim back 25p for each £1 that you donate.
Online Standing Order
Sort Code: 55-50-28
Account No: 70033323
If you are a UK tax payer please download a GIFT AID DECLARATION FORM which enables us to claim back 25p for each £1 that you donate.
Cash or Cheque
You can place both cash and cheques in the offering bag at any of our Sunday services.
Please contact us if you require further information.
If you would like to support the church activities and mission with prayer and volunteering we would love to speak with you. Please complete the contact form so we can discuss these options with you.